Root Finding

A common problem in scientific computing is to find the solutions, or roots, of some equation

\[f(x) = 0\]

in a single variable x. Numerical techniques are useful because we aren’t required to come up with a general solution in a closed form, i.e. a function. Typically, a numerical solution is found by starting with approximation to the answer, \(p_0\), and steadily improving the solution \(p_1\), \(p_2\), … until we have obtained a value that is within a certain error tolerance. There are a variety of methods for doing this. The best methods are ones that ensure convergence and do so with the fewest number of iterations.

So, what is meant by convergence? Given a sequence of approximations to a solution for p: \(p_0\), \(p_1\), \(p_2\), \(p_3\),… if the solution converges to the answer \(p\), then the differences, or errors, \(e_n = p_n − p\) must get smaller and smaller as n approaches infinity. To put it another way, if we take the ratio of successive errors, it should be less than 1. In reality, as we perform more and more iterations, then this ratio should approach a non-zero constant that is less than 1:


More generally, it is possible to have:


where α is some positive power called the order of convergence. When \(\alpha = 1\) then we have linear convergence. When \(\alpha = 2\) then we have quadratic convergence, i.e. our solution improves much faster than with linear convergence.

Using such an iterative approach to problem solving means that n really could go to infinity, which really isn’t practical for scientific computing. Instead, we define a tolerance, \(\epsilon\) such that when \(|e_n| < \epsilon\) we stop iterating and declare our solution good enough. This is called a stopping condition. Careful though, just because \(|e_n| < \epsilon\) it is not necessarily true that our solution is with in \(\epsilon\) of the unknown solution. It is always possible that the error could start growing again for one reason or another. For this reason it is helpful to have a physical understanding of the problem, or even to experiment with larger than normal values of n.

Roots of a Quadratic

One of the most common problems is finding the solution (roots) of a quadratic equation:

\[ax^2 + bx + c = 0.\]

For which the standard solution can be applied:

\[x = \frac{−b \pm \sqrt{b^2 − 4ac}}{2a}.\]

Certainly this equation should produce the correct solution, and in fact there is no need to perform any sort of iteration. However, in general introducing a computer into the solution process can lead to one potential source of error: round-off error.

Precision and Round-Off Error

When we use a computer to store a number, the computer does this physically by utilizing a limited number of binary bits. Historically, floating point numbers (normal decimal numbers) take up 32 bits and double precision numbers take up 64 bits. Regarding precision: there is a limit on the number of significant digits that can be stored by the computer.

Most computers use the IEEE 754 storage standard to represent numbers. In this manner, floating point numbers are stored as a combination of three parts: the sign, mantissa, and exponent. Consider as an analog a number displayed in exponential format, i.e.: \(0.74723\times10^5\). In this case, the sign is +, the mantissa is 0.74723, and the exponent is 5. Single precision floats have roughly 23 bits reserved for the mantissa, 8 for the exponent, and 1 for the sign, while double precision numbers have 52 bits reserved for the mantissa, 11 for the exponent, and 1 for the sign.

What this all means is that a number that requires an infinite number of digits to be represented must be rounded to a finite number of digits. The problem isn’t typically that the computer can’t represent large enough numbers: single precision numbers can have exponents that range from \(\pm 126\). Rather, issues pop up when subtracting two numbers that have very similar magnitude. In this case, it is possible that significant digits may be lost. In the example of the quadratic formula, such errors can manifest themselves if the product of \(4ac\) is much smaller than \(b\).

It is important to note that round-off error is an issue with nearly every computer program. However, the precision of today’s computers (python uses 64 bits for floating point numbers by default) typically makes round-off error less important than other sources of error, such as truncation error, and the most important source, user error.

Bisection Method

Say that you are given a function, \(f(x)\) over the interval \([a, b]\), and at some point in the interval \(f(x)\) changes sign. The bisection method is thus: our first step is to divide the interval in half and note that \(f\) must change sign on either the right half or the left half of the interval (or be zero at the midpoint of the interval). Next, the interval \([a, b]\) is replaced with the half-interval in which \(f(x)\) changes sign and we repeat the process. We iterate by halving the interval and selecting the sub-interval that has a sign change until the sub-interval has a length of \(\epsilon\), or our tolerance

Note that since we are always reducing the interval by half, this method is linear in order of convergence. Additionally, as long as our function, \(f(x)\) changes sign within our initial interval, \([a, b]\), the bisection method will converge, so it is an extremely reliable method, if not the most efficient.

The bisection method may or may not work if there are more than one roots within our interval. In particular, it will always work for an odd number of roots. If a given function has an even number of roots, it is necessary to choose the initial interval such that it only brackets an odd subset.

In order to implement such an algorithm, one would use the following steps:

  1. Input the range, \([a, b]\)
  2. Input the tolerance
  3. Test the ends of the range to see if they are one of the roots or if they bracket a root
  4. Begin iteration
  5. set \(c = \frac{a+b}{2}\)
  6. if \(f(a)f(c) > 0\) then \(a = c\) else \(b = c\)
  7. repeat until \(abs(a − b) < tolerance\)

Newton-Raphson Method

In order to create an algorithm that is a bit more efficient than the bisection method, it is useful to have a little bit more information about the function. One such method is based on expanding our function \(f(x)\) about the point \(x = p\) as a Taylor series. If we do this and only keep first order derivatives, we get:

\[f(p) = f(x) + f^\prime(x)(p-x)+\dots\]

Since we got rid of higher order terms, we can’t use this method to find an exact solution, but we can still get a pretty decent approximation. Solving for \(p\) in the above equation gives:

\[p = x −\frac{f(x)}{f^\prime(x)}.\]

This defines an iterative method, so if we start with an initial guess \(p_0\) then we would have a method that looks like:

\[p_{n+1} = p_n − \frac{f(p_n)}{f^\prime(p_n)}\]

and we iterate over n until a sufficiently accurate value is reached. Unlike the bisection method that we already discussed, there is no guarantee that Newton’s method converges. This is obvious for the case where \(f^\prime(p_n) = 0\).

Usually, Newton’s method requires a that you choose your initial guess ”close” to the actual solution. If this is done, the method converges quadraticaly. In addition, since there is no guarantee that our method converges, it is always a good idea to limit the number of iterations that your program can execute, less it runs forever. If the method doesn’t converge by the time you reach some maximum number of iterations, you give up and try to find an alternative. Finally, in order to use Newton’s method, you need to have knowledge of your function’s derivative. Hopefully it is easy to find this analytically, as we have yet to discuss doing so numerically. Implementation of Newton’s method should follow the following steps:

  1. Input the initial guess \(p\)
  2. Test if \(f(p) = 0\). If it is, you’re done!
  3. Begin iteration
  4. Calculate \(f(p)\) and \(f^\prime(p)\).
  5. set \(p_{new} = p − f(p)/f^\prime(p)\)
  6. repeat until \(abs(p − p_{new}) < tolerance\) or \(n > nmax\).