Python Vocabulary

For reference, a few common terms that will be used throughout this course.

  • Variable: a way of storing values into the memory of the computer by using specific names that you define.

  • Script: a document that contains your Python code that you can execute. Python script files should always have the .py file extension.

  • Index: the location of specific value stored in Python lists, arrays, or tuples. Not the value itself. The first index value of list is always 0.

  • Data types

    • Integer (int) = Whole number
    • Float (float) = Decimal number
    • String (str) = Text
    • Boolean (bool) = True / False
    • List (list) = A “container” that can store any kind of values. You can create a list with square brackets e.g. [1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c'].
    • Tuple (tuple) = A similar “container” as list with a difference that you cannot update the values in a tuple. You can create a tuple with parentheses (1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c').
  • Prompt: The input area in the Anaconda Graphical User Interface (GUI) used to test single lines of code or interact with your code.

  • Argument: Information that the computer needs to perform commands or execute functions.

  • Module: Software that is not part of the base python distribution that needs to be imported before it can be used.

  • cwd: Current working directory

  • Command line: The terminal prompt

  • Filepath: The location of a file within the filesystem.

  • root (user): The superuser of the system. Capable of modifying any file on the computer.

  • root (directory): The lowest level in the filesystem. Literally /.